Functions: Why Smaller is Not Always Better

Throughout my career as a software engineer, I have come across many simple heuristics that developers use to guide their design decisions and inform their coding style. One such rule-of-thumb I have heard quoted is that “small functions are better”. Those following this rule-of-thumb assert that writing small functions enforces good coding principals and makes for better software. While I would like my functions to be no larger than they need to be, I find the “small functions are better” rule tends to create more problems than it solves.

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Connect Nearby Devices Part 2: Local Networking Android

This post will show you how to create an Android app that can run on multiple nearby devices and connect them via a local network. This is part 2 of a larger tutorial that will explain how you can connect an app to other instances of the same app running on multiple devices and platforms.

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Connect Nearby Devices Part 1: Local Networking iOS

Want to create an app that connects to nearby devices running the same app and is able to share data without going over the internet? So did I, but I had a hard time finding a good source of information online to teach me how to do that. In this series I’m going to explain how to create an app that can connect many devices running iOS or Android and share data between them.

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Build a static site with Jekyll

Want to build an awesome static site like the one you are visiting right now? This post will explain step by step how I built this blog with Jekyll, installed a custom theme and hosted it on the web with GitHub pages.

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