Coding Makes You Less Creative

Every time I try to come up with an interesting and unique name for a new project I start drawing blanks. I released a daily fat counter app called Daily Fat Counter for Jobs’ sake. There is a tendency to attribute creativity to software engineers because they invent novel solutions to real problems, but I believe that coding makes you less creative, exactly because it forces you to be predictable, clear and objective.

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How to choose an anchor for your RealityKit iOS AR app

If you are like me, you created a RealityKit AR app using the Xcode template Augmented Reality App under New Project. This template project includes a basic Reality Composer Experience.rcproject file which is loaded into the app and added to the Scene’s anchors. This will anchor the scene to the first horizontal surface that is found. I wanted to know how to choose which surface my scene would be anchored to, and this blog post will explain how I did it, as well as discussing the details of anchoring virtual content to the real world.

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You Should Be Using Cloudflare For Your Website

Cloudflare provides a free service that will speed up your website, protect you from attacks and provide analytics all for free and with an incredibly fast and easy setup; if you have a small or personal website you should be using Cloudflare. Cloudflare will give you an SSL certificate so your website can provide HTTPS, a CDN network that will cache your website around the world and deliver content to your users closest to their location (faster than your server), they will manage your DNS and improve lookup time (further speeding up your users experience), they will provide you with analytics for free and without having to add any Google or other <script> tags to your code. I might be only scratching the surface of what Cloudflare can do and I might be late to the party, but let me explain how Cloudflare has helped me.

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What I Learned Publishing My First App

As a mobile developer, I have built many apps as side projects in my spare time. These are usually for the purpose of learning some new peice of technology, or prototyping some quick idea I had in my head, but somehow I’ve gone my entire career without publishing an app that I owned. I decided recently that should change, so I developed and published by first app under my name to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, Daily Fat Counter.

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